Your Collective Bargaing Agreement!

MEMBERS MAKE THIS POSSIBLE! Dues are pro-rated. Payroll deduction and other payment options are available. Please sign your form.,To become a member, please find the Association Representative (A.R.) in your building.

You may also download and print a form from If you prefer to pay dues via credit card, there is a link through which you can join on-line . Local dues in Espanola are $30 per year. Please send the form to Anna Montoya (after or before the duty day), or mail it to NEA-NM 4223 Montgomery Blvd. NE, Albuquerque,NM 87109. PLEASE DO NOT TAKE THE FORM DIRECTLY TO PAYROLL. THANK YOU!

Friday, December 14, 2012

RE DO YOUR "STAFF LOUNGE" into a really great place!

California Casualty, NEA's member benfit provider or home and auto insurance is giving away a teacher’s lounge makeover valued at $7500!!! All NEA members are eligible to enter this contest.

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