Your Collective Bargaing Agreement!

MEMBERS MAKE THIS POSSIBLE! Dues are pro-rated. Payroll deduction and other payment options are available. Please sign your form.,To become a member, please find the Association Representative (A.R.) in your building.

You may also download and print a form from If you prefer to pay dues via credit card, there is a link through which you can join on-line . Local dues in Espanola are $30 per year. Please send the form to Anna Montoya (after or before the duty day), or mail it to NEA-NM 4223 Montgomery Blvd. NE, Albuquerque,NM 87109. PLEASE DO NOT TAKE THE FORM DIRECTLY TO PAYROLL. THANK YOU!

Friday, December 14, 2012

Espanola Valley High School Athletic Department! Applications are open for the Carl Brown Athletic Grant that California Casualty presents to High Schools in the amount of $1000 to $3000 to help fund their athletic departments. So far, only one school in Texas and one in New Mexico have applied. California Casualty is the "member benefit" providing excellent service and special considerations for NEA members in their home and auto insurance. Go to

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