Your Collective Bargaing Agreement!

MEMBERS MAKE THIS POSSIBLE! Dues are pro-rated. Payroll deduction and other payment options are available. Please sign your form.,To become a member, please find the Association Representative (A.R.) in your building.

You may also download and print a form from If you prefer to pay dues via credit card, there is a link through which you can join on-line . Local dues in Espanola are $30 per year. Please send the form to Anna Montoya (after or before the duty day), or mail it to NEA-NM 4223 Montgomery Blvd. NE, Albuquerque,NM 87109. PLEASE DO NOT TAKE THE FORM DIRECTLY TO PAYROLL. THANK YOU!

Monday, August 20, 2012

McCurdy Charter Employees offered Lunch

McCurdy Teachers and Staff Enjoy, Pizza, Fruit and Drinks & $50! This Thursday, Aug 23 ALL LUNCH PERIODS Location: t.b.a. Standing Strong for Public Education These are tough times, so for a limited time only we are offering a $50.00 rebate of the annual dues. Right here (McCurdy), right NOW! We need YOU to stand with us… for your students, your profession, your rights, and your future. Join NEA-New Mexico today! It’s time for passionate and dedicated people to stick together. Become a member NOW! 505-450-3155 National Education Association - New Mexico Putting Kids First - Promoting Professional Excellence Improving the Well-Being of School Employees; and

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