Your Collective Bargaing Agreement!

MEMBERS MAKE THIS POSSIBLE! Dues are pro-rated. Payroll deduction and other payment options are available. Please sign your form.,To become a member, please find the Association Representative (A.R.) in your building.

You may also download and print a form from If you prefer to pay dues via credit card, there is a link through which you can join on-line . Local dues in Espanola are $30 per year. Please send the form to Anna Montoya (after or before the duty day), or mail it to NEA-NM 4223 Montgomery Blvd. NE, Albuquerque,NM 87109. PLEASE DO NOT TAKE THE FORM DIRECTLY TO PAYROLL. THANK YOU!

Friday, January 4, 2013

Please Exercise Your Democratic Rights SCHOOL BOARD FORUM

Española School Board Candidate Meet & Greet/Debate ALL candidates are invited for this exercise in Democracy, where opposing candidates will answer your questions! Audience members will submit questions for presentation to the candidates. They must answer to you, the voters! Thursday, January 17, 2013 6:00 p.m. Nick Salazar Center of the Arts Building Northern New Mexico College 921 N. Paseo De Oñate Española, NM Co-Sponsored by the Española Schools Parent Advisory Committee (Contact: Jeremy Maestas @ ) And the Española-NEA (the union representing the District’s Employees) (Contact: Lucille Holguin @ or 351-2964)

Monday, December 17, 2012


Espanola-NEA Local leaders: Kim Avila, Keera Abeyta, Tina Talachy, Mike Lapcevic, Melinda Miera, Anna Montoya and I worked hard in informing you about our recommended candidates and in helping them get elected. In January 2013, we will be asking you, the members, to help contact legislators during the 60 day legislative session. There is much to do in the coming weeks. For example, getting funds for the first employee raise in four years, protecting our employee/Union rights and insuring our retirement benefits. Please take these next few weeks to rest and enjoy some time with family and friends. As Harry Wong points out “Trust Begins At the Classroom Door” because by greeting each other and sharing our stories we become energized and ready to help. UNION means ALL OF US HELPING EACH OF US! Happy Holidays, Lucille Martinez-Holguin Espanola-NEA President

Friday, December 14, 2012

RE DO YOUR "STAFF LOUNGE" into a really great place!

California Casualty, NEA's member benfit provider or home and auto insurance is giving away a teacher’s lounge makeover valued at $7500!!! All NEA members are eligible to enter this contest.